{ "alert": { "delete": "Are you sure you want to delete this?", "reset": "Are you sure you want to reset?", "close": "Are you sure you want to close?", "close_with_not_save": "Are you sure you want to close? Changes you made may not saved.", "tag_position_click": "Please click a part of the object you want to specify.", "bump": "Please click a box to modify bump.", "progress": "It is in progress...", "bunp_can_only_box": "Bump can only be applied to boxes." }, "editor": { "zoom_reset": "Zoom Reset" }, "menubar": { "file": { "title": "File", "item": { "reset": "Reset", "open_zip": "Open ZIP file", "save_zip": "Save as ZIP", "open_svg": "Open SVG file", "open_jpg": "Open JPG file", "open_obj": "Open OBJ file" } }, "help": { "title": "Help", "item": { "basic_usage": "basic usage", "how_to_use": "how to use" } }, "bump": { "title": "Bump", "item": { "partial_bump": "Apply partial bump", "whole_bump": "Apply Whole Bump" } } }, "common": { "view": "View", "add": "Add", "delete": "Delete", "open": "Open", "close": "Close", "copy": "Copy", "dup": "Duplication", "untitled": "Untitled", "title": "Title", "content": "Contetnt", "image": "Image", "video": "Video", "link": "Link", "background": "Background", "object": "Object", "none": "None", "how_to_use": "How to Use", "info": "Info", "hide": "Hide", "viwe_all": "View all", "hide_all": "Hide all", "reset": "Reset", "save": "Save", "cancel": "Cancel", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No" }, "scene": { "ambient_light": "Ambient Light", "main_light": "Main Light", "sub_light": "Sub Light", "view_this_object_only": "View this object only" }, "tag": { "object_position": "Position on object", "popup_position": "Popup position", "use_popup_chain": "Use popup chain", "use_popup_pointer": "Use popup pointer", "hide_tag_when_invisible": "Hide when invisible" }, "file": { "require_reset": "Only one file can be loaded at a time. Please reset it first." }, "setting": { "specular": "Specular", "reflectivity": "Reflectivity", "bump": "Bump", "light_color": "Light Color", "background_color": "Background", "grid": "Grid", "auto_rotate": "Auto Rotate", "play": "Play Repeat" }, "guide": { "help": "Click on highlighted area to see how to use it.", "mouse": { "title": "Mouse", "options": [ { "image": "assets/refresh.png", "title": "Orbit Control", "text": "You can rotate by holding down the left mouse button." }, { "image": "assets/zoom-in.png", "title": "Zoom in and out", "text": "You can double-click an object or use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out." }, { "image": "assets/move.png", "title": "Move", "text": "You can move by holding down the mouse wheel button." } ] }, "keyboard": { "title": "Keyboard", "options": [ { "title": "space bar", "text": "After the file is loaded, you can play the animation by pressing the spacebar." } ] } } }